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We have compiled a preliminary programme for TVX2014 below. Please note minor changes may be made up until the event starts.
Detailed session information can be found at the bottom of this page.

Wednesday 25th

Thursday 26th

Friday 27th

Wednesday 25th

Courses and Workshops

  1. (2pm – 5:30pm) Course: TVX2014 Practical TV UX Research Methodologies
    Sarah Garcia – UEGroup,
    Half-Day course on the practical research methods used to understand the changing television media climate. Experts from UEGroup, a Silicon Valley research and design company, will lead and interactive discussion and give practical suggestions for developing methodologies including: Ethnography, Out of Box Experiences, Usability Testing and Comparative Benchmark Studies.
  2. (9:30am – 12:30pm) Course: Designing New Interactive TV Applications with Gestures, Ambient Intelligence, and Augmented Reality
    Radu-Daniel Vatavu – University Stefan cel Mare of Suceava
    We are witnessing today major developments in sensing, processing, and communications that lead toward an integrated composition of the world, in which physical and digital intertwiningly coexist, environments emanate intelligent presence, and interactions dissolve into behavior in terms of gestures that naturally manipulate the new physical-digital space. This course explores the ways in which TV and home entertainment are being affected by these technological advances in the quest of designing highly-interactive smart TV spaces. Participants will be introduced to the fundamental aspects of ambient intelligence, augmented reality, and gesture interface design by falling back upon examples of designs and applications for home entertainment. Notions such as context awareness, mixed reality, and naturalness of gesture interaction will be clarified for participants in the context of the interactive TV. Practical aspects of augmented reality and gesture acquisition and recognition technology will be explained and accompanied by examples from research and industry. It is my hope that this course will prove a valuable source of inspiration for participants interested to prototype novel highly-interactive smart-TV spaces toward designing our future home entertainment experience.
  3. (9:30am – 5:30pm) Workshop: 2nd International Workshop on Interactive Content Consumption at TVX 2014
    Britta Meixner – Chair of Distributed Information Systems, Passau University, Passau, Germany, Rene Kaiser – Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria, Katrin Tonndorf – Universität Passau, Passau, Germany, Joscha Jäger – Merz Akademie, Stuttgart, Germany
    This workshop focuses on novel forms of interactive content consumption. It will explore the shifting balance between lean-back passive TV and Web media consumption and lean-forward interactivity. Beyond entertainment, interactive audiovisual content has a high potential for learning and support scenarios. An interdisciplinary view on the topic shall be compiled by contributions from technical research, conceptual work, user-centric studies, industry developments, as well as experimental showcases.
  4. (9:30am – 5:30pm) Workshop: 1st Workshop on Empathic Television Experiences (EmpaTeX 2014)
    Jan Van den Bergh – Expertise Centre for Digital Media, Hasselt University – tUL – iMinds, Diepenbeek, Belgium, Mike Matton – VRT, Brussels, Belgium, Koen Willaert – IBBT SMIT, VUB, Brussels, Belgium
    Personalized TV/media experiences are becoming mainstream. Recommender systems and other personalization technology are frequently included in television sets and second screen applications. Current systems lack one major ability: to be empathic, to take appropriate actions based on intentions or emotions of persons in front of the TV.

Thursday 26th

09:30 – 10:30 Keynote Speaker

dick-bultermanDick Bulterman

President, FX Palo Alto Laboratories

Dick Bulterman is President of FX Palo Alto Laboratories and professor of computer science at the VU University Amsterdam. From 1988-2013, he was with CWI: Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in Amsterdam, where he was head of the group Distributed and Interactive Systems. Between 1997 and 2002, Bulterman was the Managing Director of Oratrix Development bv, a CWI spin-off technology company. Before joining CWI, he was a professor of computer engineering at Brown University in Providence, RI.

Bulterman has been active in the interactive television systems area for many and has done work together with his CWI colleagues on a wide range of user interface topics (including early work on the use of secondary screens for personalizing media content).

Bulterman has been active in the multimedia community since 1993 and has served in various roles on ACM MM organizing committees. He is Vice-Chair of ACM SigWEB. He was a founding editorial board member of ACM TOMCCAP and ACM/Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications, and is associate editor of Springer Multimedia Systems. He is past chair of W3C’s Synchronized Multimedia working group.

Bulterman received a Ph.D. in computer science from Brown University in 1981.

11:00 – 12:30 Production: Producing Interactive Experiences (Chaired by Frank Bentley, Yahoo Labs)

  1. Companion Apps for Long Arc TV Series: Supporting New Viewers in Complex
    Abhishek Nandakumar, Janet Murray
    As television merges with digital technology, storytelling is becoming increasingly complex. Use of a second screen has become common, but academic research has focused on social applications and commercial applications have stressed community-building and trivia questions. Our survey of viewers reveals an unmet need for tightly synchronized second screen applications that can help them to enter and keep track of dramatic series with multiple recurring characters and multi-episode story arcs. We employed an iterative design process to create a second screen companion application for the critically acclaimed series Justified that was tightly synchronized, context-sensitive, and character-focused. Our usability testing indicated that use of the companion app enhanced comprehension for first-time viewers of a late season episode, and was especially effective in supporting understanding of character relationships, while also surfacing design considerations for future applications.
  2. Enhancing Interactive Television News
    Dan Olsen, Benjamin Sellers, Trent Boulter
    A prototype system for interactive television news is described. It supports the full production cycle for interactive news, including assembly of clips into stories and stories into newscasts. A variety of interactive techniques are offered to the viewer. These include expressing likes and dislikes of headlines, skipping out of stories, requesting additional content and selection of stories from a menu. This system was deployed into homes for two weeks using fresh television content. User control events were logged and evaluated to understand interactive viewing behavior.
  3. RedTag: Automatic Content Metadata Capture for Cameras
    Tom Bartindale, Daniel Jackson, Karim Ladha, Sebastian Mellor, Patrick Olivier, Peter Wright
    RedTag is an optical tagging system that provides time based identification of objects, people or devices via small low cost infrared transmitters and receivers. We have developed RedTag as a cheap and flexible method of augmenting existing video capture equipment with an additional temporal metadata output of content based information. In this note, we describe the technology behind RedTag and demonstrate the interaction opportunities that arise through access to temporal metadata.
  4. Playout Delay of TV Signals: Measurement System Design, Validation and Results
    Wouter J. Kooij, Hans M. Stokking, Ray van Brandenburg, Pieter-Tjerk de Boer
    Due to new interactive TV services, synchronizing the playout of content on different TVs is becoming important. To synchronize, knowledge of delay differences is needed. In this study, a measurement system is developed to gain insight into the magnitude of delay differences of different TV setups in an automated fashion. This paper shows the measurement system, which is validated for precision and accuracy. Preliminary measurements results show that regular TV broadcasts differ up to 6 seconds in playout moment and that web based TV broadcasts can introduce more than a minute delay. Furthermore, we measured a broadcasting before encoding and modulation, which resulted in a time about 4 second before the fastest receiver. On a side note, while developing the measurement system we found out that GPS timing on consumer Android devices was inaccurate, with fluctuations of up to 1 second.

14:00 – 15:30 Consumption: Multiple Screens and Attention (Chaired by Mike Darnell, Samsung)

  1. In Front of And Behind The Second Screen: Viewer and Producer Perspectives on a Companion App
    David Geerts, Rinze Leenheer, Dirk De Grooff, Joost Negenman, Susanne Heijstraten
    The growing success of tablets and smartphones has shifted the focus of the interactive TV industry to the introduction of second screen applications. One example is second screen companion apps that offer extra information about a television program, often synchronized with what happens on screen. In this paper, we investigate a second screen companion app, from the perspective of the viewers and producers of such apps. Based on observations and interviews with viewers and producers, and actual usage data of a companion app from Google Analytics, we present several insights and recommendations for how to design companion apps related to ease of use, timing, social interaction, attention and added value.
  2. Many-Screen Viewing: Evaluating an Olympics Companion Application
    Edward Anstead, Steve Benford, Robert J Houghton
    The trend of users integrating second screen behaviours in their viewing habits, and practitioners interest in designing systems to support them has evolved a strong research agenda. In this paper we extend these ideas to explore many-screen interaction, investigating how users, gathered around the television with multiple second screen devices, share, control and coordinate their interactions. We report on a formative evaluation into behaviours with a many-screen prototype app for watching sport programming. The Olympics Second Screen application allows users to watch, share and control highlight programmes in a collocated group. We discuss our findings through recommendations to designers and HCI practitioners. Our results suggest the importance of supporting parallel viewing between collocated viewers, and sharing and queuing of programming between devices. Additionally, results highlight the significance of the television in a viewing ecology, and user awareness of control and interaction.
  3. Visual Attention Measures for Multi-Screen TV
    Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Matei Mancas
    We introduce a set of nine measures to characterize viewers’ visual attention patterns for multi-screen TV. We apply our measures during an experiment involving nine screen layouts with two, three, and four TV screens, for which we report new findings on visual attention. For example, we found that viewers need an average discovery time up to 4.5 seconds to visually fixate four screens, and their perceptions of how long they watched each screen are substantially accurate, i.e., we report Pearson correlations up to .892 with measured eye tracking data. We hope our set of new measures (and the companion toolkit to compute them automatically) will benefit the community as a first step toward understanding visual attention for emerging multi-screen TV applications.
  4. The Effect of Cinematic Cuts on Human Attention
    Christian Valuch, Ulrich Ansorge, Shelley Buchinger, Aniello Raffaele Patrone, Otmar Scherzer
    Understanding the factors that determine human attention in videos is important for many applications, such as user interface design in interactive television (iTV), continuity editing, or data compression techniques. In this article, we identify the demands that cinematic cuts impose on human attention. We hypothesize, test, and confirm that after cuts the viewers’ attention is quickly attracted by repeated visual content. We conclude with a recommendation for future models of visual attention in videos and make suggestions how the present results could inspire designers of second screen iTV applications to optimise their interfaces with regard to a maximally smooth viewing experience.

14:00 – 15:30 Industry Session 1: Platforms (Chaired by Mike Evans & Patrick Huber, BBC & Sky DE)

  1. Smart Wallpaper
    Rosie Campbell, Richard Felton, Charlotte Hoare
  2. Nth Screen
    Tim Kindberg
  3. Subtitle Monitoring
    Samuel Bason
  4. Designing the Chromecast Out-of-Box Experience
    Noor Ali-Hasan

16:00 – 17:30 Feedback: Large-Scale Analysis of User Feedback (Chaired by Petter Bae Brandtzæg, SINTEF)

  1. A Large-scale Exploration of Group Viewing Patterns
    Allison J.B. Chaney, Mike Gartrell, Jake M. Hofman, John Guiver, Noam Koenigstein, Pushmeet Kohli, Ulrich Paquet
    We present a large-scale study of television viewing habits, focusing on how \ individuals adapt their preferences when consuming content with others. While \ there has been a great deal of research on modeling individual preferences, \ there has been considerably less work studying the preferences of groups, due \ mostly to the difficulty of collecting group data. In contrast to most past work \ that has relied either on small-scale surveys, prototypes, or a relatively \ limited amount of group preference data, we explore more than 4 million logged \ household views paired with individual-level demographic and co-viewing \ information. Our analysis reveals how engagement in group viewing varies by viewer and content type, and how viewing patterns shift across various group contexts. Furthermore, we leverage this large-scale dataset to directly estimate how individual preferences are combined in group settings, finding subtle deviations from traditional models of preference aggregation. We present a simple model which captures these effects and discuss the impact of these findings on the design of group recommendation systems.
  2. Detection of Predictability Ratings of Live Events on TV by Use of Second Screens
    Kiraz Candan Herdem
    Event predictability, one dimension of human emotion description, indicates to what extent sequences of events in videos are predictable for viewers. This study adopts second screening style of Social TV viewing model, where viewers text about live events on TV via social media app on mobile second screen. 14 instances from different TV content types are presented to 19 viewers on TV-like screen. While texting, custom Twitter application collects touch and inertial sensors data of which features are extracted to model viewers physical interaction with mobile screens. Viewers self-reported their predictability ratings via a slider with 9 scales, which later are divided equally into three levels indicating whether viewers describe events in videos as unpredictable, medium or predictable. Bayesian networking classifier is created to recognize the three predictability labels from features described in physical interaction model. The study result shows that the predictability labels are recognized with 85.7% average accuracy.
  3. Parasocial Relationship via Reality TV and Social Media: Its Implications for Celebrity Endorsement
    Siyoung Chung, Hichang Cho
    The purpose of this study was to explore the ways in which audiences build parasocial relationships with media characters via reality TV and social media, and its implications for celebrity endorsement and purchase intentions. Using an online survey, this study collected 401 responses from the Korean Wave fans in Singapore. The results showed that reality TV viewing and SNS use to interact with media characters were positively associated with parasocial relationships between media characters and viewers. Parasocial relationships, in turn, were positively associated with the viewers’ perception of endorser and brand credibility, and purchase intention of the brand endorsed by favorite media characters. The results also indicated that self-disclosure played an important role in forming parasocial relationships and in mediating the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement. This study specifies the links between an emerging media genre, a communication technology, and audiences’ interaction with the mediated world.
  4. Disinhibited Abuse of Othered Communities by Second-Screening Audiences
    Mark Doughty, Shaun Lawson, Conor Linehan, Duncan Rowland, Lucy Bennett
    Second-screening and live-tweeting alongside broadcast television generates new concerns with respect to online abuse. We present an investigation into the nature of Twitter-facilitated second-screening posts relating to Thelmas Gypsy Girls, one of a series of controversial documentary programmes portraying the Irish Traveller community that have recently been aired by the UK public-service television broadcaster Channel 4. Sentiment analysis highlighted the general negativity of these posts whilst a detailed thematic inquiry revealed the often abusive and aggressive messages aimed directly at the community and individuals portrayed in the broadcast material. We discuss why users might be susceptible to exhibiting these behaviours, and the implications for the broadcast industry, and social TV designers and developers.

16:00 – 17:30 Industry Session 2: People (Chaired by Mike Evans & Patrick Huber, BBC & Sky DE)

  1. Enhancing Subtitles
    Matthew Brooks, Mike Armstrong
  2. Word at a Time Subtitles
    Matthew Shotton
  3. Okko: A Digital Product Design Case Study
    Lucy Hughes
  4. How smart is the convergence? Behavioral patterns of connected TV users in Germany
    Sandra Schuster

Friday 27th

09:00 – 10:30 Consumption: Evaluating User Experience (Chaired by Teresa Chambel, University of Lisbon)

  1. TV Discovery & Enjoy: a New Approach to Help Users Finding the Right TV Program to Watch
    Jorge Abreu, Pedro Almeida, Bruno Teles
    This paper presents the development and evaluation cycle of an interactive television (iTV) prototype that aims to improve the way users discover and select their TV content, bearing in mind the cognitive model that the viewer typically uses in mindless zapping situations. The development of the iTV application was supported by a study of the habits and behaviours of TV viewers (namely the ones related to the referred cognitive process), followed by the specification of its conceptual model and features, interface mock-ups and its integration in the filtering engine of the iTV application. Additionally, an indexing and cataloging system interconnected with the filtering engine was designed. The developed prototype was evaluated by a group of users, with the results revealing to be very positive, both in in what relates with the interest on the application and its usability. In parallel to the development of the iTV application, a tablet version was conceptualized and evaluated with the aim of studying the suitability of the extension of the same conceptual model to a secondary screen approach.
  2. MyChannel: Exploring City-Based Multimedia News Presentations on the Living Room TV
    Frank Bentley, Karolina Buchner, Joseph ‘Jofish’ Kaye
    We see the television as a primary device to connect view-ers with the information and people that matter most in their lives. Televisions, as central places where the family gath-ers, provide a unique location to elevate news and social updates that can connect family and friends across a dis-tance. Through creating the MyChannel service, a TV-based personalized news program, we have explored the types of content that work best in this format. We have also gained a detailed understanding of how television content can inspire feelings of connection and communication with friends and family at a distance through an 8-day in-home field evaluation. We describe the system and findings from our studies and close with a discussion on the future of per-sonalized television news.
  3. Design and Evaluation of a Children’s Tablet Video Application
    David J. Wheatley
    Video consumption is moving from the TV to other, portable wireless platforms and from linear to on-demand viewing. This paper describes a series of user experience studies carried out to define the end user requirements for a targeted (1-10 yrs) childrens tablet video application. Other studies (not reported here) were also carried out to define parents needs for parental control functionality. The process consisted of three phases. Phase 1 consisted of an online survey of parents to understand childrens current viewing patterns and behaviors. This data, and secondary research, was then used to develop some initial design concepts for the application, and some key design and interaction elements were evaluated with children using paper & card mock-ups in phase 2. Children also evaluated an early application prototype in this second phase. Results suggested that three different levels of interface complexity would likely be necessary for the target age range. The third phase consisted of field trials of 3 prototype interfaces carried out with 25 children in 11 families. A primary objective of the field trials was to evaluate any impact on individual and family viewing patterns and behaviors. Results indicated that interface preferences broadly aligned with the expected age targets, and other major benefits of the application included the strong feelings of ownership, control and independence engendered in children which reduced the need for parental monitoring and direct involvement in content selection and device control. This paper focuses on the iterative design process and the impact of the application on content selection and control.
  4. Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall: Collaborative Screen-Mirroring for Small Groups
    Mark McGill, John Williamson, Stephen A Brewster
    Screen mirroring has been available to consumers for some time, however if every mobile device in the room supports screen mirroring to the main display (e.g. a shared TV), this necessitates a mechanism for managing its use. As such, this paper investigates allowing users in small intimacy groups (friends, family etc.) to self-manage mirrored use of the display, through passing/taking/requesting the display from whomever is currently mirroring to it. We examine the collaborative benefits this scheme could provide for the home, compared to existing multi-device use and existing screen mirroring implementations. Results indicate shared screen mirroring improves perceived collaboration, decreases dominance, preserves independence and has a positive effect on a group’s activity awareness.

11:00 – 12:40 Tablets, Tables and Gestures

  1. Storied Numbers: Supporting Media-Rich Data Storytelling for Television
    Susan J. Robinson, Graceline Williams, Aman Parnami, Jinhyun Kim, Emmett McGregor, Dana Chandler, Ali Mazalek
    The digital convergence of broadcast television, user-generated content from online and mobile sources, and interactive surfaces brings an opportunity for the development of platforms to support media-rich data storytelling for television audiences. In this paper, we report on a production model and system featuring a multi-touch interactive table with tangibles in the broadcast studio, on which performers use information visualizations to access and present media-rich content from viewers. The system uses content generated from a mobile application that couples close-ended survey items with rich media, such as video. The app is designed to increase opportunities for public debate on civic issues, but is also suitable for pure entertainment topics, such as sports and lifestyle. We present the results of an evaluation of our production model and the studio prototype in a lab setting with television production experts and on-air talent. Our results indicate that such systems must be designed with a flexible user profile in mind to accommodate performer capabilities and preferences, operational variations, program formats, and changing conventions in touch interaction.
  2. Leap Gestures for TV: Insights from an Elicitation Study
    Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Ionut-Alexandru Zaiti
    We present insights from a gesture elicitation study in the context of interacting with TV, during which 18 participants contributed and rated the execution difficulty and recall likeliness of free-hand gestures for 21 distinct TV tasks. Our study complements previous work on gesture interaction design for the TV set with the first exploration of fine-grained resolution 3-D finger movements and hand pose gestures. We report lower agreement rates (.20) than previous gesture studies and 72.8% recall rate and 15.8% false positive recall, results that are explained by the complexity and variability of unconstrained finger gestures. Nevertheless, we report a large 82% preference for gesture commands versus TV remote controls. We also confirm previous findings, such as people’s preferences for related gestures for dichotomous tasks, and we report low agreement rates for abstract tasks, such as open browser or show channels list in our specific TV scenario. In the end, we contribute a set of design guidelines for practitioners interested in free-hand finger and hand pose gestures for interactive TV scenarios, and we release a dataset of 378 Leap Motion gesture records consisting in finger position, direction, and velocity coordinates for further studies in the community. We see this exploration as a first step toward designing low-effort high-resolution finger gestures and hand poses for lean-back interaction with the TV set.
  3. Tablet, Gestures, Remote Control? Influence of Age on Performance and User Experience with iTV Applications
    Jan Bobeth, Johann Schrammel, Stephanie Deutsch, Michael Klein, Mario Drobics, Christina Hochleitner, Manfred Tscheligi
    Due to recent development of TVs in the direction of highly interactive multimedia platforms, interactive TV (iTV) applications gain popularity. In terms of control possibilities a variety of input modalities have become available, though effects on performance and user experience of different age groups when controlling different iTV applications remain unclear. We present an empirical investigation comparing three input modalities (tablet, freehand gestures, remote) for controlling two iTV applications (Photo Browser, Nutrition Tracker) used by older and younger adults. Results show that all three independent variables had significant influence on performance, while we did not find influence of age or application on user experience. Overall tablet input based on a mirrored TV screen showed the best performance and was preferred by both age groups. Older adults were overall slower and showed a particularly large performance gap with the remote in comparison to younger adults.
  4. How to Lose Friends & Alienate People: Sharing Control of a Single-User TV System
    Mark McGill, John Williamson, Stephen A Brewster
    The single physical remote control, paired to a media system, is no longer necessarily the only (or indeed primary) mechanism of control, with new input modalities (e.g. gesture) and mechanisms (e.g. mobile devices) allowing anyone to contribute to the input and control. This paper investigates the potential for extending single-user interfaces in order to support multi-user use, as a means of utilizing new inputs without having to abandon the familiar interfaces, control management behaviours and mental models that users have established. A survey was conducted investigating existing behaviours for managing control in terms of prevalence and acceptability. These behaviours and potential new ones were then incorporated into a multi-user system where management of control was virtualized, using mobile devices for input. We found that behaviours derived from existing ones (e.g. passing/taking control) were at worst functionally equivalent to, and in some cases superior to, managing a single physical remote control. We suggest that sharing single-user TV systems implementing these behaviours offers a viable alternative to concurrent use TV systems.

14:00 – 15:00 Keynote Speaker


Dale Herigstad

Chief Interaction Officer, POSSIBLE
Co-Founder, SeeSpace

Now living in London, Dale Herigstad worked for 33 years in Hollywood as a Creative Director for motion graphics in TV and film. His mission has been to apply the principles of rich media design to interactive experiences. He began designing interfaces for Television more than 20 years ago, and was a founder of Schematic, which grew and merged with other digital agencies to form the global agency POSSIBLE.

Dale has developed a unique spatial approach to designing navigation systems for various screen contexts. The work blurs the line between Television, Games and Web, a concept he calls “New Television”. He was a part of the research team that conceptualised digital experiences in the film “Minority Report,” and is now leading development in gestural navigation for screens at a distance. Screens have always defined unique spaces, and with advancements in stereo 3D projection and new AR, information can occupy these spaces. Spatial context is becoming increasingly important in screen design. Virtual space and place are new frontiers of design.

Dale has an MFA from California Institute of the Arts, where in 1981 he taught the first course in Motion Graphics to be offered to designers in the United States. He served on the founding advisory board of the digital content direction at the American Film Institute in Los Angeles, and also was an active participant in the development of advanced prototypes for Enhanced TV at the AFI for many years. Dale has 4 Emmy awards.

More recently, Dale co-founded the company SeeSpace, which will deliver their first product, inAiR, later this year. InAiR places Web content in the space in front of the Television.

15:30 – 16:00 FIContent Grand Challenge Presentation
16:00 – 16:30 Conference Closing Ceremony

Work in Progress

  • Unsleeping TV: Always-On Screen Concept Using Bi-stable Display (Hyunjin Ahn, Jihyung Yoo, Yoojung Kim)
  • Analysis of Match-Related Information Seeking Behaviour During the Act of Watching Football Matches on TV (Ege Sezen)
  • Mobile-based Streaming System of Spatial Audiovisual Contents and Web-based Design System (Wataru Motomura, Mami Yamanaka, Tomohito Yamamoto)
  • Enriched personalized multi-screen content for social connected TV (Christopher Krauss, Robert Seeliger, Annette Wilson, Stefan Arbanowski)
  • Location Based Video Flipping: Navigating Geospatial Videos in Lean Back Settings (Arne Berger, Thomas Fritzsche, Michael Heidt, Maximilian Eibl)
  • Towards Detection of Side Activities and Emotions of Anonymous TV Viewers through Body Postures (Chiew Seng Sean Tan, Jan Van den Bergh, Johannes Schoning, Kris Luyten)
  • Exploring the User Experience with a Speech Recognition System for Smart TVs (Ah Young Han, Jun Yeob Choi, Jun Young Choi, and Bong Gwan Jun)
  • Recreational VMC: Multitasking, Loosened Relevance and Audience Management (Laura Rosenbaun, Sheizaf Rafaeli, Dennis Kurzon)
  • Seamlessly interlinking TV and Web content to enable Linked Television (Lyndon Nixon, Vasileios Mezaris, Jan Thomsen)
  • A tone driven offline information kiosk (John P. T. Moore, Ryan Younger, Jose Abdelnour-Nocera)
  • Intelligent Planning as KaaS for Emergency and Convergent Domains (Natasha C. Queiroz Lino, Austin Tate)
  • Oppan Internet Meme Style: A Case Study of Internet Memes through Digital Artifacts on Social Media (Changhoon Oh, Hajin Lim, Kyle Koh, Jinwook Seo, Bongwon Suh)


  • Social Connected TV Platform by FIcontent: An Open Toolbox for Creative Developers (Nathalie Cabel, Yehia Elkhatib, Robert Seeliger, Christoph Ziegler, Michael Eble)
  • Measurement System for Playout Delay of TV Signals (Wouter J. Kooij, Hans M. Stokking, Ray van Brandenburg, Pieter-Tjerk de Boer)
  • A customizable open-source framework for measuring and equalizing e2e delays in shared video watching (Mario Montagud, Fernando Boronat, Pablo Cesar)
  • A Fall Preventive iTV Solution for Older Adults (Konstantin Aal, Corinna Ogonowski, Thomas von Rekowski, Rainer Wieching, Volker Wulf)
  • Numbat–Tracking Buzz and Sentiment for Second Screens (Carlos Abad, César de Pablo-Sánchez, Jose-Carlos Gónzalez-Cristobal )
  • LinkedTV News: A dual mode second screen companion for web-enriched news broadcasts (Lilia Perez Romero, Michiel Hildebrand, Jose Luis Redondo Garcia, Lynda Hardman)
  • Vision Social TV: Towards Personalised Media Experience and Community Atmosphere (Mu Mu, Jamie Jellicoe, Nicholas Race)
  • Nth Screen, Nth Camera (Tim Kindberg, Charlotte Crofts, Mandy Rose)
  • Connected Therapeutics: Assistive Technology To Improve Attention In Kids With ADHD And ASD (Aine Behan, Frederic Herrera, Andrew Kavanagh)
  • Augmented Reality on HbbTV, an Hypervideo approach (Toni Bibiloni, Antoni Oliver)
  • RedTag
  • Bootlegger
  • TryFilm
  • Drone Capture
  • Cinehack
  • Diri watches you – exploring autonomy in a photo blimp
  • Panopticon Editing
  • Plenoptican
  • BOOC: A MOOC Video Player with Synchronised Textbook (Li Nan)
  • Simple iDTV UI for a complex feature set (Václav Zůna)

Grand Challenge Winners

  • Connecting Technology To Improve Cognitive Control In Children With ADHD (Aine Behan)
  • ‘Heart-to-Feel’: A New Audio Description Coding Scheme for the Visually Impaired on Affective Cinematography and Emotive Vibration (Jieun Kim)
  • Object Of Desire concept and TV Triggered Services to merge TV and 2nd screen interaction (Jakub Majkowski
  • The effectiveness of short TV clips in audience engagement and content monetisation (Jakub Majkowski)
  • Augmenting a TV Broadcast with with Synchronised User Generated Video and Relevant Social Network Content (Hans M. Stokking, Arjen T. Veenhuizen, Rianne (A.M.) Kaptein, Omar A. Niamut)
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