Contributions to the TVX in Industry track include papers that are of particular interest to the industry. The topics cover content production, systems and infrastructures, immersive media experiences and alternate realities; also see the main conference submission topics for more information. Priority will be given to the papers that show significant advances in research and development, technologies and real-world experiences that have industrial applicability. Contributions concerning business cases, marketing and market insights, case studies, best practices and lessons learned are also welcome.


  • Submission deadline: 30th March 2017 (12:00pm PT) 7th April 2017 (12:00pm PT)
  • Online submission: PCS submission system
  • Notification: 28th April 2017
  • Camera-ready final deadline: 15th May 2017 (5:00pm PT)
  • Submission format: Non-anonymized (max) 4 pages in SIGCHI Regular Paper Format
  • Selection process: Review process
  • Presentation: 10 minutes including questions

Presentations will take place as part of the dedicated TVX-in-Industry sessions during the main conference program, 15-16th of June. Papers will be published in the conference adjunct proceedings and disseminated in the TVX community.


For further information, please get in touch with the TVX in Industry Chairs at

Johan Oomen (NISV)
Ali C. Begen (Networked Media and Ozyegin University)
Igor Curcio (Nokia Technologies)