1. The SIGCHI Student Travel Grant (SSTG) for TVX (END)

Deadline: 1st November 2017
The SIGCHI Student Travel Grant (SSTG) program is first intended to enable students who lack other funding opportunities to attend SIGCHI sponsored or co-sponsored conferences. Detailed information about how to apply is available here  https://sigchi.org/conferences/student-travel-grants/student-travel-grant/  or https://tvx.acm.org/2018/

2. Hanyang University’s Travel Funds for TVX2018

Deadline: UPDATED – 6th April 2018
The host university (Department) of ACM TVX 2018, Hanyang University (Arts & Technology), specially supports Asian postgraduate students who would like to apply for participating in TVX2018 that takes place at Seoul, Korea. Two students who will be accepted for the papers, demo, doctoral consortium presentation are selected for the eligibility of the fund. It includes a return airfare and registration fee supports. The application should go to gc@tvx2018.com along with CV (2 pages) and submitted papers, demos, doctoral consortium papers.

3. Gary Marsden Student Development Fund for TVX

Deadline: 15th May 2018
In order to better support students from and currently based in developing countries pursuing HCI/UX, ACM SIGCHI Gary Marsden Student Development Fund now covers all HCI relevant conferences and SIGCHI sponsored summer/winter schools.The purpose is to support growth of HCI in developing worlds by sponsoring SIGCHI student members who are postgraduate students from and currently based in developing countries to attend HCI relevant events. In the last two years, 36 students from around the world were awarded by the fund. The applicant needs to submit the application to the committee chair at
sigchi-GaryMarsden-fund-chair@acm.org. For more information about applying for the funding, please see the fund guidelines: https://sigchi.org/2017/01/gary-marsden-student-development-fund/