ACM TVX 2018 offers a set of workshops designed to appeal to our audience of researchers and practitioners in the TV User Experience field. Workshops will take place on June 26th 2018, the day prior to the main ACM TVX2018 conference program.
Workshops are free of charge for the attendees of the main conference. If you are not planning to register for the whole conference, a special fee will be made available for workshop attendance only. Please note that in some cases, workshops can only be attended if you’ve submitted a workshop paper which has been accepted. If you want to attend a workshop for which you have not submitted a paper, please contact the workshop organizers first. You can find the contact details of the workshop organizers at the websites listed below.
Available workshops
- Care TVX: Challenges and Design to Improve TV in in-hospital environment and for visually impaired people
- Workshop day on virtual reality (Joint Workshop by 360° Video Streaming & Storytelling & Workshop day on virtual reality)
- Somewhere between Search and Recommendation: An Alternative Thinking for Video Content Discovery Method
Care TVX: Challenges and Design to Improve TV in in-hospital environment and for visually impaired people
Université de Nantes: Toinon Vigier, Patrick Le Callet, Pierre Lebranchu, Samuel Bulteau
Hanyang University: Jieun Kim, Hokyoung Ryu
Sungkyunkwan University: Seongil Lee
An increasingly rich range of features and functionality is now available through smart televisions, interactive and immersive multimedia. These new technologies disrupt most of our social and individual attitudes, practices and experiences in everyday life, at home, at work or at school, in transport, etc. What about in hospital and for aged patient population?
The workshop aims to address:
- How new media experience and contents can improve the in-hospital experience of in-patients, caregivers, and medical staff;
- How better understanding of visual impairments (e.g. for elderly) can help to design more inclusive TV experience.
This one-day workshop on ”Care TVX now playing” will bring together media contents developers, designers, and UI/UX/QoE researchers, with medical researchers and hospital practitioners.
The workshop will be held on June, 26th from 1pm to 5:30pm.
- Welcome and Introduction of participants
Welcome of workshop organizers with a brief introduction to the workshop topics. Short introduction of the workshop participants.
- Session 1: New TVX in hospital context
1:20-1:50 — Paper 1: Value Sensitive Design for Clinical Dashboard in Medical Context (Jinah Su, Jieun Han, Gyu Hyun Kwon, Imagine X lab, Hanyang University)
1:50-2:20 — Paper 2: New VR Experiences for the Personalization of Care in Psychiatry: the Example of ReViSTIM Project (Toinon Vigier, Yannick Prié, Florian Melki, Matthieu Perreira Da Silva, Fabien Picarougne, LS2N, University of Nantes; Samuel Bulteau, Sphere, INSERM; Olivier Charlet, Interpsy, University of Lorraine)
- Session 2: New TVX and accessibility for visually impaired people
2:30-3:10 — Keynote 1: Accessibility Standards of TV and multimedia contents (Seongil Lee, Sungkyunkwan University)
3:10-3:50 — Keynote 2: Visual attention in TVX: the impact of retinal deficiencies (Patrick Le Callet, LS2N, University of Nantes)
4:00-4:30 — Industry Demo: Samsung Relumino Project – Smarter Vision for Partially Sighted People with Gear VR Headset (Junghoon Cho, Samsung Electronics)
- Panel Discussion & Wrap-up
Workshop day on virtual reality
Media Lab. Seoul: Ji-Hye Lee
Fraunhofer FOKUS: Stefan Pham, Louay Bassbouss
Aalto University: Lily Díaz-Kommonen, Andrea Mancianti
HKU University of the Arts Utrecht: Hartmut Koenitz
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences: Mirjam Vosmeer
In this workshop a diverse group of researchers and practitioners for focused discussion and knowledge sharing in 360° video storytelling and virtual reality is brought together. During the morning session, researchers from three different institutions will first present an overview of their work on VR and the practical and theoretical issues that they have been confronted with. There will be presentations by five participants whose papers were accepted in the workshop. In the afternoon sessions, participants can choose to focus on one of the three workshop themes that are introduced below. In the final part of this full day workshop, all researchers will join forces again to discuss the outcomes of their explorations. Covered aspects are 360° video streaming and 360° storytelling, virtual reality, immersive user experience, and its creative applications.
The workshop will be held on June, 26th from 9:00am to 5:00pm.
09:00-09:30 — Registration
09:30-09:40 — Introduction (Jihye Lee / Media Lab.Seoul & Aalto university)
09:40-10:10 — Special Talk 1 : VR projects from the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto U. (Lily Diaz/Aalto University)
10:10-10:40 — Special Talk 2 : Narrative in VR (Hartmut Koenitz/HKU University of the Arts Utrecht)
10:40-10:50 — Coffee Break
10:50-11:20 — Special Talk 3 : 360° Streaming & Storytelling (Stefan Pham/Fraunhofer FOKUS)
11:20-11:40 — Selected Paper Presentation 1: Fictional Realities (Presenter : Asreen Rostami)
11:40-12:00 — Selected Paper Presentation 2 : Artistic Strategies Towards a Possible Performative Approach to Embodiment in VR (Presenter : Andrea Mancianti)
12:00-13:10 — Lunch
13:10-13:30 — Selected Paper Presentation 3 : Towards Applying the Virtual Director Concept to 360 Degree Video Content (Presenter : Rene Kaiser)
13:30-13:50 — Selected Paper Presentation 4 : Immersia TV (Mario Montagud, Sergi Fernandez Langa)
13:50-14:10 — Selected Paper Presentation 5 : Convergence between TV and VR: Enabling Truly Immersive and Social Experiences (Mario Montagud, Sergi Fernandez Langa)
14:10-14:20 — Introduction for afternoon sessions
14:20-15:50 — Practical Activity(Stefan Pham) : Introduction and team discussion
15:50-16:00 — Break
16:00-17:00 — Final discussion
Somewhere between Search and Recommendation: An Alternative Thinking for Video Content Discovery Method
Kookmin University: Sung Woo Kim
CJ Hello: Sanguine Kim (UX Team, Manager & Team Lead) & Donghee Kim (UX Team, Senior Analyst)
This is a half-day design workshop to find an alternative to conventional content discovery method in online video service. One of the all-time pain points from customer side on their online video service is that there’s not much to watch, although service providers put much effort to increase their content volume. Viewers either search for the content they want to watch or rely on service provider recommendation but often end up finding nothing they want to view.
The aim of this workshop is to explore innovative alternatives to go beyond conventional UX. In other words, we hope to find UX ideas – other than search or recommendation – that offer a new style for customers to discover the content they want to view.
We would like to run this workshop in a casual and easy-to-participate style. participants need no prior submission or preparation. Anyone interested in this topic is free to join the workshop.
Half day (4 hours, 240 minutes)