
TVX 2019 will take place in MediaCityUK, Manchester’s world-leading hub for creative media and technology innovation. MediaCityUK is the ideal place to showcase cutting edge online, interactive and immersive video research and practice – as home to major broadcasters and technology companies including BBC, ITV, Ericsson and dock10, as well as more than 250 smaller media and digital businesses.

You can find instructions on how to get to MediaCityUK on our supporting accessibility pages and also on MediaCityUK’s own getting here pages.

The map below shows the location of the two venues within MediaCityUK.

Days 1-2: The Lowry Theatre

The first two days of the conference will take place in The Lowry, a theatre and gallery complex. The Lowry houses two large theatres, a gallery exhibiting the work of the early 20th century painter L. S. Lowry and other facilities including bars, restaurants and shops. As an attendee at TVX, you will listen to talks from world-leading researchers and industry practitioners in the impressive Quays theatre, attend a drinks reception in the Lowry Promenade and dine in the 360 degree panorama of the Compass Room, with its views across ITV’s Coronation Street Studios and Manchester United’s Old Trafford stadium.

Day 3: BBC Quay House

The third day of the conference will take place right in the heart of the BBC’s Manchester headquarters, Quay House. As a TVX attendee, you’ll take part in our innovative bazaar event, a day of interactive sessions and exhibits designed to provoke discussion, networking and collaboration amongst researchers and industry.