Work in progress


We encourage researchers, students and practitioners to submit Work-in-Progress (WiP) papers based on their recent viewpoints, new discoveries, and early-stage design and development in disciplines that are in line with TVX’s areas of interest. The WiP track is intended for thought-provoking and out of the box ideas, possibly with early proofs of concept or prototypes, as well as position papers. The WiP session is geared towards early career researchers, but also caters to seasoned scholars for the presentation of unfinished projects. The WiP track thus provides a unique opportunity for exchanging brave new ideas, for receiving feedback on projects currently in progress and for fostering collaborations. We thus encourage submissions that are not merely a report of work done but an input for discussing with fellow researchers at the conference.

Accepted submissions will be presented as a short pitch presentation and a physical poster at the conference. Authors of accepted WiP papers are also invited to bring a demo. The WiP posters will be presented as part of a conference bazaar on the third day of the conference, together with demos, exhibits and mini tutorials. The accepted WiP papers will be included in conference proceedings (indexed in the ACM Digital Library). Authors are also encouraged to write a short summary of the discussions about their work after the conference, to be published as a series of blog posts on the TVX website.

Working with the mentoring program, we also provide you with a chance to work with an experienced researcher (mentor) for your submission. The mentor will provide early feedback and guidance. This year, there will also be a focus on help for early researchers to publish their work in the major HCI conferences. Please note that help in this area must be within reason ­that mentors cannot provide translation services. In addition, please note that this is primarily aimed at those who are in adverse circumstances, or a particularly novel submission which may require additional input. If you require any support in the preparation of your contribution due to mentoring requests, please get in touch with our Inclusion and Accessibility Chairs (


When submitting your work-in-progress paper, you will have to choose one of the following areas to submit your work in:

Audience understanding

TV and online video consumption patterns concerning genres, platforms, demographics, etc. Multi-platform engagement. Scheduled versus on-demand content consumption. Engagement with curated versus user-generated content. Trends in younger audiences. Binging. Quality of experience measurement and monitoring. Sensing audiences. Sentiment analysis.

Immersive and interactive content and experiences

New forms of TV and online video content. Second screen experiences. Multi-platform experiences. Interactive content. Immersive, interactive, transmedia storytelling. Interactive documentaries. Content personalization. Augmented, mixed and virtual reality. Object-based media productions. Accessibility. The Internet of things and time-based media. Esports. Live performance broadcast. Screen media and immersive theatre. Social presence in VR. Applications outside entertainment and information, such as education, healthcare, and wellbeing.

Technologies, systems and interfaces

New technologies, systems and interfaces for TV and online video. Streaming systems. Content synchronisation for multi-platform delivery. Machine learning for content development and audiences understanding. AI for capturing editorial and narrative expertise. Recommendation systems. Companion apps. Game engines for content delivery. Collective intelligence and crowdsourcing. Social media technologies. Location-based and context-aware applications and services. Object-based media.

Production tools and workflows

New production processes for TV and online video. Green screen video production. Motion capture filming techniques. Performance/3D capture and animation. Authoring tools for interactive or multi-platform content. Storyboarding for VR. Data-driven content production. Procedural content generation. Writing for interactive content and multi-platform delivery. Interaction design. User-centred design methods and approaches.

Business models and marketing

Novel business models and marketing strategies for the new media landscape of TV and online video. Monetising second screen experiences. Business cases for VR. Targeted advertisement. Programmatic media buying. In-programme purchases. Exploiting consumption data.

Cultural and social studies

Studies of the impact of the new media landscape of TV and online video upon culture and society. Remix culture. Reality TV. Intellectual property. Ethics. Security and privacy in interactive media. Media convergence. Fandoms. Media addiction. Multivocality of interactive media. Media violence. Social media influencers. Interactive media and politics. Authorship in interactive and algorithmic media.

Disruptive concepts and video-centric art

Speculated video-centric forms and experiences that can inspire new avenues of thinking. Video-centric art.


Work-in-Progress should be submitted in the form of a maximum 3,000 word paper (see the submission templates page for guidance on how word counts should be calculated) in the New SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Format. Work-in-Progress paper submissions are not anonymised, and should include name, affiliation, and contact information of all authors.


Your submissions will be reviewed by a panel in a non-blind manner based on originality, creativity, impact, relevance to TVX’s topics and the quality of presentation. The review process will strive to select papers that present novel ideas and approaches, with the potential to spark discussions and interactions at the conference.


This year we cordially offer mentoring support from seasoned TVX researchers and program committee members in order to assist those who need additional support in their submissions. Recipients of mentoring would typically be those who are submitting to TVX for the first time, those in circumstances which are particular adverse (e.g. a disability or personal circumstances which impact upon the paper preparation process), or a particularly novel submission which may require additional input. Please submit 28th February 2018 to apply for mentoring on your paper. For more details, please visit the Mentoring Program page.


To maximise the visibility of your work, accepted submissions will be presented as 1) a WiP madness speech (1 minute/per person) in the main track of the conference, AND 2) a poster (A1 size) in the conference bazaar, AND 3) (optionally) a demo next to the poster. At least one author must register to attend the conference to give these presentations.


Work in Progress Papers will be published in the main conference proceedings, indexed in the ACM Digital Library.

Authors are encouraged to provide a short summary of the discussions about their work during the conference. These summaries will be published as a series of blog posts on the TVX website.

  • 31st March 2019 (12:00pm PT)

    submission deadline

    (extended from 22nd March)

  • 5th April 2019


  • 10th April 2019

    camera-ready final deadline


    For further details please get in touch with the Work-in-Progress Chairs:

    Rhianne Jones (BBC R&D, United Kingdom)

    Werner Bailer (JOANNEUM RESEARCH, Austria)


    using the subscription form on this page ( or by sending a mail to with the following text in the body of the mail: “subscribe tvx-announce Firstname Lastname”.