Demos are one of the most lively and exciting parts of ACM TVX conferences; they offer an opportunity for presenters to show off their work and to get insightful feedback, and for delegates to see and try some of the latest developments.  As in previous years, TVX 2017 will offer dedicated demo spaces to companies and academia research labs alike. Demos are intended as real, practical, and interactive proof of the presenters’ research ideas and scientific or engineering contributions, with the goal of providing TVX researchers and practitioners with the opportunity to discuss working interactive TV systems, applications, prototypes, or proof-of-concepts. The layout of the demo area will be designed to appeal to our audience of researchers and practitioners.  Submissions are encouraged in all areas related to interactive TV experiences, as advertised in the ACM TVX 2017 general call for papers.


  • Submission deadline: March 10, 2017 March 30, 2017
  • Acceptance notification: April 14, 2017 April 23, 2017
  • Camera-ready deadline: May 10, 2017 (demo papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library)
  • For context, reviews for full and short technical papers will be returned on March 3, with final notification on March 24, 2017. It is allowable, indeed encouraged, for authors submitting other forms of paper to the conference to also submit a demo..
  • Demos will take place during the main conference program of June 15-16, 2017.
  • Submissions can be made here:


Demo submissions take the form of 2-page papers written in the SIGCHI Regular Paper Format. This must describe the research and what will be shown during the demonstration; all submissions will be peer-reviewed and selection will be based on the novelty of the research and interestingness of the demonstration.  Demo submissions do not need to be anonymised.  Please ensure that your submission answers the following questions: 

  • What is the scientific or engineering concept behind the work?
  • What is the novelty of the work and how is the work different from existing systems or techniques?
  • What will be actually shown during the demo?

For the past couple of years we have encouraged authors to provide a video alongside their paper submission.  This has proven invaluable – the video not only helps to support the submission, but will also be included in the digital version of the adjunct proceedings, and thus act as a lasting record of what was shown at the conference.  The following video demonstrates what a submission video could look like, and gives some practical information on how to create one: instruction video on Vimeo.

In addition, a separate document should also be submitted that details the technical requirements of the demo. Please fill in these details in the Demo Rider document (click here to download) and upload it through the PCS submission system together with your submission. Please note that the submission system can accept only one supplementary file (Max. 10MB). Therefore you have to compress multiple files into one ZIP file for submitting the supplementary materials. If the total size of your supplementary materials exceeds 10MB, please contact the demo chairs and arrange a way to submit the file.


Once accepted, demonstrators will be provided with a table, poster board, power outlet and wireless (shared) Internet. Demo presenters are expected to bring with themselves everything else needed for their demo, such as hardware, laptops, sensors, PCs, etc. However if you have special requests such as a larger space, special lighting conditions, large displays and so on, we will do our best to arrange them, or to provide you with suitable rental services.


For further details please get in touch with the Demo Chairs at

Lucia D’Acunto, TNO (NL)
Andy Brown, BBC Research and Development (UK)
Demo Chairs
ACM TVX 2017