TVX is the international ACM Conference on Interactive experiences for Television and Online Video. TVX workshops provide an informal setting where participants have the opportunity to discuss familiar and novel topics in an atmosphere that fosters active engagement and exchange of ideas. Workshops are expected to generate ideas that enable the TVX community to explore new, organized ways of thinking about specific topics and emerging areas or that result in promising directions for future research.
Workshops will be held on the first day of the conference (June 14, 2017) and can either be a half or full day in length. Workshop organizers may consider including a short tutorial as part of the program, and are strongly encouraged to dedicate at least half of the time for discussion, interaction or creative exercises. Each workshop will therefore be limited to 30 attendees (including organizers) to further foster a truly interactive experience. Each workshop will also result in a poster, which communicates its outcomes. The workshop posters will be displayed during a poster session at the conference.
We invite potential workshop organizers to submit their proposal by November 15, 2016 in ACM double column format (LaTeX/Word template). The maximum length is 4 pages. Proposals should address the following points:
- Aims and scope of the workshop
- Format and duration (full or half day), draft schedule indicating which kinds of sessions you intend to include
- Type(s) of submissions/contributions that will be solicited
- Plans for disseminating the call for contributions and attracting participants (e.g., list of institutions, research projects or communities which are affiliated with the workshop, and from which you expect contributions)
- Short bios of the organizers
Organizers of accepted workshops are responsible for setting up a workshop website. They may ask any kind of contribution to be submitted by workshop participants in advance (e.g. full papers, short papers, posters, demonstrators, videos). These contributions will be published in the adjunct proceedings. Workshop organizers are responsible for setting up a submission system and for organizing the review process.
Workshop organizers will be invited to submit a 2-page summary of the workshop to be included in the official TVX proceedings, published by ACM and indexed by the ACM Digital Library.
All workshop proposals will be rigorously evaluated with respect to their quality, relevance and suitability for the conference. Accepted workshops might be merged with another workshop that addresses a similar topic, or be cancelled if too few attendees (fewer than 8) register.
For more information, please contact the TVX2017 workshop chairs (
Rene Kaiser, Joanneum Research, Austria
Katrien De Moor, NTNU, Norway
Hokyoung Blake Ryu, Hanyang University, South Korea